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Chicken Ballotin

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Additional informations

Chicken ballotine marinated in truffle juice and stuffed with foie gras and black truffles


Potato grenailles, Lettuce heart, Potato gratin, Asparagus gratin, Potato gratin with truffle, Potato gratin with porcini mushrooms, Hummus, Fresh vegetables, Tomato basil penne, Jasmine rice, Potato gratin, Robuchon Puree, Cauliflower gratin, Broccoli gratin, Cherry tomato tatin

Extra garnish

No Extra, Potato grenailles, Lettuce heart, Potato gratin, Asparagus gratin, Potato gratin with truffle, Potato gratin with porcini mushrooms, Hummus, Fresh vegetables, Tomato basil penne, Jasmine rice, Potato gratin, Robuchon Puree, Cauliflower gratin, Broccoli gratin, Cherry tomato tatin

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